Content featuring Oscar Barranco Liebana
Bringing Collective Intelligence to the Innovation Process
Sometimes a problem is so complex that one person can’t solve it on their own. This calls for a more modern solution of cooperation and collaboratio...
Champion Innovation by Engaging with Stakeholders
Especially now in this cross collaborative and multifunctional world, it is becoming more important to identify and engage with key stakeholders to ge...
Harnessing the Collective Super Mind to Unleash Innovation
As Innovation Director, FIFA World Cup 2022, Oscar Barranco Liebana had a pretty tall order—to manage innovation with the goal to deliver an amazing...
Benchmark With Your Peers On Industry Spend & Trends
The All Things Innovation Survey Committee along with FEI have created a Spend & Trends survey to provide you the opportunity to benchmark with your p...
Beyond Innovation Theater
At FEI, All Things Innovation conducted a special roundtable, bringing cross industry, cross disciplinarians together to talk about transformation and...
Supporting Data with Design Thinking
At FEI, All Things Innovation conducted a special roundtable, bringing cross industry, cross disciplinarians together to talk about transformation and...
Achieving Transformational Innovation
At FEI, All Things Innovation conducted a special roundtable, bringing cross industry, cross disciplinarians together to talk about transformation and...